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“深港通板块”是根据《中国证券监督管理委员会关于印发上海证券交易所、中国金融期货交易所、中国证券注册登记有限公司《关于实施《上海证券交易所、中国金融期货交易所、中国证券注册登记有限公司关于实施《上海证券交易所、中国金融期货交易所、中国证券注册登记有限公司关于实施《上海证券交易所、中国金融期 货 交 易 所 和 香 港 证 券 监 督 管 理 委 员 会 关 于 深 沪 通重仓板块》(以下简称“板块“)的通告(以下简称 “板块通告“)的要 求对包含外部成份的特定集合体进行整理而形成。



进入版块并胜出竞标者部分包含如下: 腾信信用, 光大民生, 长安, 延长化工, 天神, 长信, 神州数字, 爱康,*ST康得,*ST航天信. 此外,一方面也包含如厦门光子(300033), 长飞(300112), 株冶(603288), 苏州天士力(002049), 天龙集团(600819), 咪咕文化(603993)。

正如上文所述,去年6月17日正式引入Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (SZ-HK Stock Connect) (SZ-HK Stock Connect )之后,A 股市场便不断凭借外部成份大航行考察出形成 “SZ-HK Stock Connect Heavy Concentration Plate Section ‘ (hereinafter referred to as "Heavy Concentration Plate Section") ).

"Heavy Concentration Plate Section" not only includes the above companies that have won the bid and successfully entered the section, but also includes many other companies whose performance has been significantly improved by SZ-HK Stock Connect. These companies include Ping An Bank (000001), China Merchants Bank (600036), China Securities Index Co., Ltd. (399006). Other stocks are also included in this plate section such as Shenwan Hongyuan Securities Co., Ltd. (000776).

In addition to these stocks, there are also a number of stocks that have benefited from SZ-HK Stock Connect and have seen significant improvements in their performance. These stocks include China Telecom Corporation Limited (600050), China Communications Construction Company Limited (601800), China Life Insurance Company Limited (601628). As such, these stocks are also part of the "Heavy Concentration Plate Section".

It can be seen that the "Heavy Concentration Plate Section" created by SZ-HK Stock Connect has become an important part of the A stock market due to its strong performance and attractive investment opportunities. Investors should pay close attention to this plate section and make sure they select appropriate stocks for their portfolio.


